Monday, January 18, 2016

Ghost Ants

Here in Central Florida we have the ghost ant which is commonly seen in homes around kitchens and bathrooms. These ants are attracted to sugars and sweets.  The first thing people usually do when they are seen is to clean their countertops.  Some people spray the areas with some type of insecticide. Doing either of these is usually a mistake.

While cleaning up helps for future re-infestation, it is best done after they have been properly eliminated.  When you clean, you remove the pheromone(scent) trails that the ants are following. The ants will scatter to new areas in search of food and water.

When you spray the ghost ants with an insecticide while they are foraging for food and water you can actually fragment their colonies and end up with many nests and ghost ants throughout your home.

The best thing to do is call your trusted pest control technician who will properly bait these ghost ants and drive them out of your home.

Steve Joy
Joy Pest Control


  1. very well put- I agree 100%
    Good Job- much luck on your future success

  2. Thanks for sharing your valuable information.I found it very useful.Keep posting amazing content like this.
