Thursday, January 28, 2016

                               Annual Pest Control

Annual pest control, what does it mean?

When you hire Joy Pest Control to protect your home from insects here is what your annual pest control service includes:

*On your first appointment we remove accessible outlet and switch cover plates and install a product inside the wall voids which keeps killing the bugs year round. At the same time we spray interior baseboards, cabinet bottoms, cracks and crevices with a residual insecticide. Lastly, we install bait stations in the bathroom and kitchen cabinets for roaches.

On the outside we wipe the soffits down removing nests and spider webs. We then treat the base of the home with a 90 day residual insecticide spray and then install a granular insecticide around the perimeter of the home. Every three months we will return to your home to repeat this exterior treatment at no additional cost for the remainder of the year. We will return and treat any active infestation throughout the year at no additional charge.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email or call me anytime.

Steve Joy
Joy Pest Control

1 comment:

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